Read this first: it’s all about Just This Step
Welcome to Just This Step. Before you begin exploring the site, please read through the information and pages linked in the buttons below/to the right. They will help you understand what trauma-informed mindfulness is, and how it might help you.
How to use this website
You get to choose how to use Just This Step. This website gives you the chance to try out aspects of mindfulness practice in a safe and self-chosen way. This means you can go at your own pace and find what helps and supports you.
You are unique. This site wants to celebrate individuality and trusts you to construct a practice that helps you find steadiness when distressed, and enjoyment too. That’s why it focuses on the person-centred approach of trauma-informed care. It also offers support and guidance through Zoom sessions.
The practices have been chosen and are delivered in a way that lessens the chance of trauma triggering. However, it is important to know what to do if anything makes you feel anxious. So, the best place to start may be emergency mindfulness, which has some practices that might be helpful.
First steps – 7-day mindfulness courses
In this section you will find important information on trying out mindfulness and a selection of 7-day online mindfulness courses. Each course focuses on a different part of everyday life and develops different skills. During the 7 days you can read a little and try out suggestions in your own time – it is ‘bite-sized’!. There are links to more formal guided meditations on the same theme, using video or audio recordings, and some teaching notes in video or PowerPoint. All just a click away.
Taking mindfulness further
Going further offers longer and more traditional types of mindfulness and movement practices. You may want to get the hang of bite-size mindfulness first, or find help if distress is triggered, but it’s fine to jump right in. Just remind yourself, as you go along, that it is fine to stop at any time. If you are getting anxious use the ‘wise distraction technique’ in the emergency practices.
Emergency mindfulness
This section offers an emergency practice for panic attacks and times of overwhelm. You may like to have a go at this today since you are here, to see if you think it might help in an emergency, so there are no surprises.
Support and tuition
Once you’ve had some time to click around the site and try practices out, you may have unanswered questions or need further guidance at a Zoom Q and A. If you feel that trauma-informed mindfulness might be for you, or that I am a teacher you feel safe with, you can sign up to a small-group 4-week course. It is also possible to book one-to-one tuition or a personal retreat, subject to availability.
I hope you can be at home here.
You are welcome among a community of fellow travellers seeking to live well. Being human can be tricky! All of the pretending that we are OK can be left at the door. Just allow your authentic vulnerability to be here.
With wishes for your safety and wellbeing,